We offer the following physics services:
- Full Physics Equipment Performance Evaluations (annual compliance testing)
Mammography, including Tomography and Stereotactic
Computed Tomography (CT)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Nuclear Medicine Imaging (Planar, SPECT, & PET)
Ultrasound (US)
- Accreditation testing (ACR & IAC) as is being required by The Joint Commission, CMS and the MIPPA ACT (see Links page)
- Radiation Safety Audits in nuclear medicine imaging
- Preparation of pre-construction radiation shielding design and post-construction analysis
- Participation in Radiation Protocol Committees as required by the TDSHS
- Various other radiation protection support as needed.
The physics services we offer are State of Texas mandated in radiography, fluoroscopy, mammography, CT, and shielding design and analysis. They are required by The Joint Commission and highly recommended by agencies such as the American Association of Physicists in Medicine and The American College of Radiology in MRI, nuclear medicine, and US. Furthermore, many health insurance providers require medical physics evaluations before reimbursements are allowed. The regulatory environment is strict and will likely continue to move toward mandating many previously voluntary physics evaluations. All of our evaluations are tailored to meet the requirements of the above-mentioned organizations (including ACR and IAC).
Five of our licensed physicists are trained, approved, and have experience evaluating Full Field Digital Mammography units. The presence of six licensed physicists ensures that someone will always be available, even on short notice. In the past, we have provided quality physics services to more than 200 medical facilities each year. The regular interaction of our staff allows us to share our experiences with each other, so that we are continuously increasing our experience base and improving our service.
Our testing equipment is calibrated and maintained at intervals required by Federal and State regulations and according to manufacturer's guidelines. Conformance reports are available upon request.
Our company maintains comprehensive insurance coverage, with policies in Workers Compensation, General Liability, Professional Liability, Property, and Auto. Certificates are issued directly from our provider if requested.
We have pre-approved ASRT lectures that compliment MRI, mammography, and CT physics surveys. Our personnel have many years of experience with formal lectures, informal lectures, and general in-service training on a wide range of radiation protection/physics/quality control topics.
Thank you for exploring the use of Trinity Physics Consulting, LLC for your medical physics service. We believe that we have a good understanding of what makes clinical service valuable as we have over 110 years of combined experience and problem solving in that setting. We also strive to find new ways to improve our service and encourage feedback on anything we are or are not offering or doing for you. We feel that physics service is a very personal matter, and if you choose us, believe you will be pleased with the level of attention you, your staff, and your facility are given.
The Trinity Physics Team